Season 16 of American Idol’s Cade Foehner talks with MIW about life, love, and his new single that will be released on all platforms September 25th, 2019.
Fans of the hit reality show American Idol already know that Cade and Gabby met each other and fell in love in front of millions of viewers worldwide. Those paying close attention to music industry news also know that they were recently engaged. Even though the dynamic duo is literally a match made in heaven, they have both been constantly traveling on their own tours since the show ended. Cade tells MIW that his deep love for Gabby continues to grow even though they are pulled in many different directions due to their busy careers as recording and touring artists. MIW was able to get Cade to slow down enough to give us the scoop on what’s been going on in his life lately.
MIW: Congratulations on your recent engagement to Gabby Barrett. So, how does it feel to finally be engaged?
Cade: THE ANTICIPATION IS KILLING ME! I am SO ready to be married. Just to think I ever was without her blows my mind. I am figuring out more and more every day how much she was truly made for me.
MIW: You and Gabby already dished on your romantic proposal in a March Exclusive Interview with What was it like planning to pop the big question? Were you nervous at all?
Cade: The planning was very impromptu. I quite literally decided to do it 2 days before it happened. I had bought the ring several weeks before and didn’t know how I was going to ask yet, but we ended up taking a non-planned trip to LA to attend our favorite church (Grace Community Church) and they got us two rooms in the very same hotel that we met in during Idol! It was just meant to be that moment, I knew it! So I coordinated with my good friend and personal pastor Michael Mahoney and we constructed a plan to make it as magical as possible.

MIW: Your new single “Baby Let’s Do This” is about to drop. Tell our readers more about what this song means to you and how you feel about Gabby.
Cade: This song is such an expression of both Gabby’s and my heart over the past year. We have traveled constantly and usually apart. Thus, we would have these midnight conversations of “Okay, I’m coming to get you and we’re just gonna go get married. This is absolutely unbearable.” And in light of all those thoughts and wants that are still going on to this day, this song when I heard it and was able to start working on it – it was just a “WOW” moment. I can’t believe I got a song that is such an accurate ballad of my confession to my soon-to-be bride.
MIW: Who wrote the song and why did you choose it as your next single?
Cade: The song was written by Jim Collins (“Big green tractor” “She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy” and “It Just Comes Natural”) and Spence Peppard. I jumped at the idea to release it because it only took a few tweaks of my personal story with Gabby to have something that was a representation of exactly how we felt. I was also able to get Gabby in the music video so it would be something really special that we could always look back on!
MIW: What was it like shooting the music video for “Baby Let’s Do This” with Gabby?
Cade: My thought was, “I can’t believe I get to have Gabby Barrett in my music video!” She is the biggest star in the world to me and to think she would want to spend two full days with me doing more work just makes me the happiest, and to be sure, the most blessed man.

MIW: Be honest, who wears the pants in the relationship?
Cade: Well hahaha, being the man according to the Bible is to lead and metaphorically “wear the pants.” And it’s a great joy in my life to take care of such a great treasure that’s been entrusted to me!
MIW: On a more serious note, it’s no secret that faith plays a big role in the way you and Gabby live out your lives. How do you plan to remain focused and balanced in such a crazy industry that isn’t necessarily the easiest place to stay centered?
Cade: Remembering The Gospel. That Christ bled and died on behalf of all who would believe upon Him. This is the fuel that drives us to know our music has a purpose of use to God and we are to be good stewards of the graces given.

MIW: The news media shows that you and Gabby are crazy busy with your own tours and working on projects. Do you have any plans in the near future to tour together or work on more projects together?
Cade: We do have high hopes of doing quite a bit together. Our voices compliment each other so we both know it would be a shame to not do music together! She is my favorite person in the world to sing with and my dream duet partner.
MIW: Can you tell us one thing about you that most people don’t already know?
Cade: That I’m a cowboy at heart. I love riding horses, taking care of cows, etc.
MIW: What advice would you give someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?
Cade: Make SURE you know WHY you are doing it. Namely, is your goal Christ and His Gospel being told to people ultimately through the talent He gave to you?
MIW: If you had to choose any other path in life other than being a touring and recording artist, what would it be and why?
Cade: A preacher. I have seen that to be one of the hardest yet most fulfilling life’s works in any human ever. I do get to preach from time to time, however, with music going on it’s difficult to schedule those things in.
MIW: How can our readers connect with you on social media, learn more about you, or stream/download your music and/or videos?
Cade: They can connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube.