Reviews: Electric Light Orchestra, Crystal Jacqueline, Fruits de Mer, Hawkind, Pink Fairies

    Music Industry Weekly - Electric-Light-Orchestra

    It is plain as day that Electric Light Orchestra had their own share of mishaps over the years but you need not be an avid observer to appreciate some of their genius. This you can see even from their singles.

    Their work from 1972 – 1978 has been put in a collection comprised of 16 box set. This collection is named The UK Singles Volume One 1972-78 (legacy). This collection imitates the labels and packaging of all of ELO’s greatest hits.

    ELO set the bar very high in the studio and it is through their work that we see the genius that Jeff Lynee truly is. At their peak, ELO churned out hits that resonated with the listeners immensely. Every single gently recreates its decades old counterparts with a clean press and sound. If you somehow can’t get enough from the first 15 discs, then you can go to the sixteenth which gives you the 1978 EP. When you add the sturdy box to store them, then you’re all set.

    Two fresh albums by Crystal Jacqueline come up. This release is new even as long time avid listeners will definitely recognize a lot of the content. Carefully packaged to imitate the old trademark of quality bootleg LP, Crystal Jacqueline Live was created at the Sonic Rock Solstice Festival in 2017. This was a collection of 8 songs that doesn’t feel anything like a bootleg with its perfect packaging and sound quality.

    As for Fruits de Mer, this year will be the tenth year since the little label was created and The Three Seasons is a carefully put together recreation of the golden age of psych from 1966 to 1968.this is evident in the 27 brands and songs. Included in the release is a few names that some people might not have seen before.

    There’s a fresh Hawkind album out and it isn’t like anything you’ve heard before. So we can have faith anew in the old brand name by looking back in time about 5 decades back to the Space Ritual tour of 1972 and a fresh look of the Brixton Sundown concert at the close of the outing.

    Originally released in various guises but most popularly Space Ritual 2, it now comes out as Victim of Sonic Attack, two clear vinyl discs packed in a bright red cloth bag. It is a very good looking artifact and these are probably the best of the tapes out there. They sound glorious and probably better than any CD can ever sound.

    Similarly when you consider vintage status, Pink Fairies are also back in contention this time with the new album. The original guitarist Paul Rudolph is the sole bearer of the Pink Fairy flag with the ex-Hawkind bassist Alan Davey and Motorhead co-founder Lucas Fox making up the group. Resident Reptiles (Cleopatra) is probably the finest work from the Fairies and this a completely rock and roll sound. It is great to see that neither time nor space changed Paul Rudolph’s sound.