C.J. Battle Champions the Message of Healing and Hope Through Music


Music has found many uses over many millennia, from celebrations to mourning, from entertainment to the expression of knowledge and truth. C.J. Battle uses music to spread hope and healing, advocating for a better perspective on life.

C.J. Battle is a vastly talented musical artist operating out of California. He has a relatively novel music style that centers on healing the rift between peoples and cultures and uniting the world. He brings a vibrance, positivity and much-needed freshness to the industry and at an auspicious time at that.

C.J. Battle’s works are predominantly solo acts – self-producing, engineering and mastering his own music – but he has been known to work with a few artists on the rare occasion where he finds a kindred spirit or an artist whose style and message compliments his own. C.J..’s music encompasses a brilliant array of sounds interwoven to sound futuristic yet familiar, gripping and soothing all at once.

Many artists in mainstream music write lyrics seemingly fixated on extravagance, the fast life and bragging about what they own. C.J. Battle’s music deviates sharply from such trends with a message that highlights the beauties of reality and focuses instead on the richness of nature and the human spirit. There is a deep sense of purpose and unfeigned sincerity in the melodies and harmonies he composes, layered with a refreshing outlook on sonics that tugs on the heartstrings of all listeners.

An ardent traveler at heart, C.J. Battle has taken to curating sounds from his many travels and weaving them into something phenomenal to share with his listeners – bringing his music and experiences to and from the remotest places around the plane. His upcoming worldwide tour is scheduled to coincide with the “reopening of the World” after most nations have successfully overcome the challenges of the pandemic with planned live performances intended to deliver a message of healing and hope in a personalized setting and in a musical flavor that cuts across generations of music lovers.

C.J. Battle’s latest project release, “Solutions,” is a body of work that typifies the artist’s identity, showcasing ways for the world to find peace and love through reconnecting with nature. He remarks, “Seeing the state of the world and how much help we all needed, I figured like most superheroes it was up to me to become better and put myself out there in order to make a change.”

Away from music, C.J. Battle works together with his wife in the creation of jewelry. Through their company, Mountain Berry Wraps, the couple produces crystal jewels that emphasize nature and healing. 

C.J. Battle is passionate about sharing his music and philosophy with the world. He desires that everyone find a place within his melodies – knowing that there is positive music somewhere that speaks to their dreams or paints a picture of a better perspective on life. He aims to be one of the most recognized and streamed artists on the planet and considers it achievable. His music can be found on all major streaming platforms.

Learn more about C.J. Battle and his current projects here or visit his page on Instagram.