How To Build A Website For Your Band

How To Build A Website For Your Band - Music Industry Weekly

If your band is wanting to create more buzz, then you will need to build an electronic press kit that’s easy for producers, talent scouts, publicist, and record labels to understand who you are as a band, and what you bring to the table.

Here are some step by step instructions on how to build a solid website/EPK for your band or your music group.

Step 1: Your Site

Once you’ve chosen a domain name for your site, you will then need to select a template that best fits your sound and who you are as a music group. Keep it simple and easy to navigate for your visitors. Choose proper colors, font sizes, designs, etc. You will want a sleek and modern look for your site. You will then want to organize a structure with the different pages you are wanting on your Homepage such as: About Us, Events, Photo Gallery, Videos, Contact Us, Music, etc.

Step 2: Your Image

Image is everything, so you must start with a professionally done photoshoot for your band or music group. Select your favorite photos and upload them to your site. This is especially important for your Homepage. This makes a huge impact on how you’re perceived as a band.

You will also want to add a bio to your Homepage. Make sure to keep it short and sweet. Add two or three of your best songs, some recent news, and upcoming events. Add in some links to your social media platforms as well.

Your EPK page should include a quote that translates through who you are, a short bio text, a professional band photo, a few press photos, a sample track, and a sample video.

Step 3: Your Music

Create a dedicated music page for you and your band to upload your music: albums, playlists, music videos, singles, eps, etc to stream or sell. This is crucial for your fans and for any record label that’s scouting for talent.

Step 4: Your Buzz

Performing live, calling gatherings, and touring is the best way to create a buzz for any band trying to get their name known. Create a calendar for your site and keep it up to date with upcoming events, shows, gigs, etc. Add some professional looking video clips of you and your band performing LIVE as well. Make sure to link this back to your contact page where people can fill out forms to submit their emails to receive updates from newsletters and further communication regarding bookings.

Step 5: Search Engine Optimization

SEO can be tricky. It involves keywords, feeds, external links, schema, etc. This is one of the most crucial factors in getting yourself out there and not a lot of bands/musicians/artists use this tool for their brand. We would recommend for you to do some research, or hire someone who specializes in SEO/marketing/branding.

We hope this helps you in your journey of kickstarting a site for you and your band!