How To Design A Great Website For Yourself As Singer/Songwriter

How do you design a singer-songwriter website that conveys your authenticity as a music artist, and what you are all about?

Step 1:

Create a solid Homepage with information about who you are, your music genre and style, following up with your recent work; such as a recent single (choose your best song to go on your homepage), music videos, your EP, song covers, a clip of you performing LIVE, etc. For a good first impression, aesthetics is everything, so choose a main image for your Homepage that conveys the vibe you’re going for. Add a few other small images for color and feel.

The template below is a great example. Make sure to keep in mind that simplicity is your best friend. You want your page looking as crisp and organized as possible. You want your viewers to make it around your site with ease, knowing exactly where they’re going. A confusing and disorganized website can be more frustrating than capturing.

Rae Fawn singer songwriter website designArtist: Rae Fawn

Step 2:

Begin to build your About page. This part will be easy and fun for you! For this portion, you get to be expressive and organic in portraying who you are as an artist which will intrigue your website visitors.

Start with an opening paragraph much like a bio. Collect some of your best images, using texts and colors so you have a nicely styled lay out of you as an artist. Write out your history, much like a portfolio. Don’t be afraid to brag about yourself! Talent scouts and producers will be reading your work, and your About page plays a huge factor in selling you as an artist to possibly work with or sign to their label.

The About page gets the most clicks by far, so with this in mind, update your page every few weeks with your recent achievements, events you have gone to, new releases, etc.

Step 3:

A solid music page will make your mark on anyone who visits your site. Add your most recent work at the top of the page, and work your way down to your other albums, single, EPs, etc. Add a timeline of your music videos, and videos of you performing LIVE. Stream a playlist of your Youtube videos if you are publishing work on a regular basis. Make it all very organized and easy to navigate for your viewers.

Please review template example below:

John Carroll Singer Songwriter Website DesignArtist: John Carroll

Step 4:

Build a photo’s page and place all of your promotional pictures on this page. It’s important to have a full gallery of professional headshots and different styles of photo shoots for the viewer to see.

Don’t forget to add in some action shots of you performing on-stage with or without your instrument. It’s important to convey your brand in this way.

See example template below:

Britt Dignan Singer songwriter Website DesignArtist: Britt Dignan

Step 5:

Create an Events page! Place all of your upcoming shows, tours, features, charity events on this page. Add ticket info with links as well. And don’t forget to direct them to your contact page, in case someone wants to work with you or hire you for a show, concert or event.

Step 6:

Create a contact page. From the example below, it is a very simple form to make it easy for people to book you, message you, or to keep up with you via newsletter, social media, PR, etc.

Mikaela Kahn singer songwriter website design

Artist: Mikaela Kahn

We hope this has been helpful as you create and build your own website as a singer/songwriter!