The 2019 NAMM Show music convention covered up this past weekend in the Anaheim Convention center. This particular year’ s convention failed to disappoint…

Regardless of what aspect of the music world a person come from, they had it protected this year. As always, the conference is split into different classes ranging from instrument makers, such as D’ Angelico , Remo , and Roland to  accessory makers like S. I. To Strings , Etymotic Research , Inc. Earplugs , and Vic Firth Trommel Sticks.

Also fans get access to a few of the behind-the-scenes products by SGM Lighting Incorporation , Roswell Pro Audio , plus Gator Situations, Inc. Certainly these are just a few of the more than 2, 000 vendors with this amazing convention.

Not all of NAMM is about the exhibits. Additionally, there are classes for fans to take part in, like growing your music business, or getting the live concert recordings right or how to light your stage efficiently.

Usually the greatest draws are the live music performers.

Some artists like Billy Shean , and Stevie Wonder have there been for a meet and greet, but others like Brandon “ TAZ” Niederauer (D’ Angelico Guitars), Robert Randolph ,   Kapali Long (Gibson Guitars), and Stu Hamm (GHS Strings) came to perform and show off their talents and products.

Walking the convention floor is quite the treat for just about any musician. It’ s so nice to be able to learn about new models of your favorite gear, watch some popup performances with great artists, sit in on Q& A sessions with the leading expert sound engineers and instrument makers, and it is always fun to have interactive/hands on experiences with some of the top of the line gear in the music industry. If you are able to get an invite for next year’ s convention, don’ t miss it! It’ s quite the experience.