Rising Hip-Hop Sensation, Suave, Launches New EP

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2021 is looking very promising for rising hip-hop artist Suave as he launches his new EP titled No Favors: Time for Myself. Included in the EP are two more singles that are expected to raise the bar when it comes to R&B and hip-hop. These titles include “Back Then,” “Pull Up,” and a smooth outro that completes the EP. The release of his latest project is only the beginning of several ventures that the artist is planning to do this year. 

In the coming months, Suave is planning to launch his business that focuses on offering high-end merchandise and immersive media technology, from studio headphones to condenser microphones, and AR/VR interactive facilities, among others. This direction is inspired by his deep desire to hear more quality music on the airwaves. He intends to continue to elevate the quality of music he releases to continue to engage and entertain his fans from different parts of the world. The inclusion of AR/VR interactive facilities in his venture is his way of accelerating the world into the exciting future of entertainment, one that redefines technological boundaries and possibilities. 

Suave’s motivation behind developing his personal brand and the business venture has always been his family, and he wants to provide for his loved ones. Secondary to this is his personal desire to build a legacy that will positively impact and influence everyone he encounters. Life is too short to be making mediocre music in one lifetime, and Suave has made it his personal mission to ensure that his time is well-spent and used to make a difference in the lives of others. 

Having survived many adversities himself—from betrayal, heartbreak, and homelessness, Suave understands the value of making the most of opportunities that present themselves to him. Experiencing redemption, retribution, reward, and victory has inspired him to set an example for everyone seeking the silver lining in their challenging life. Just as he has surpassed what he considers his life’s greatest trials, he believes that others can hope for the same thing with the right amount of encouragement. 

As his music continues to attract a considerable number of fans, especially among the U.K. and N.Y. Drill Sounds, he is elevating his artistry and preserving the original culture and voice associated with the genre. As a passionate artist, he is out to show everyone that one does not have to have a smooth beginning to make it big in the industry. In his case, starting a rough career brought out the best in him. For one, not having it easy from the start taught him to overcome self-doubt and pushed him to believe in his unique talents despite what others may think. 

In the next five years, Suave sees himself building a solid and promising lifestyle for himself, one that will inspire others not to give up on their dreams. Additionally, he envisions his business flourishing, making him the top provider of the sharpest quality microphones, headphones, and digital audio workstation platforms. 

Hustling his way to success is what Suave sees himself doing passionately, and the music industry will be seeing more of his artistry in the coming months as he makes this year the season of great beginnings. 

Visit this website to listen to Suave’s music.