Taylor Swift Premiers ‘You Need to Calm Down’ Video: Watch

Taylor Swift New Music - Music Industry Weekly
Taylor Swift New Music - Music Industry Weekly

Taylor Swift lives in a fabulous LBTQ trailer park in her new music video “You Need to Calm Down.” It shows her floating in a pool as her trailer went up in flames. The music video closes with T Swift and Katy Perry making peace.

Taylor is used to releasing songs and videos that break the internet, and this one is no different. Here are some of her thoughts behind her song and the music video: “I’ve observed a lot of different people in our society who just put so much energy and effort into negativity, and it just made me feel like, ‘You need to just calm down. Like, you’re stressing yourself out. This seems like it’s more about you than what you’re going off about. Like, just calm down.”

The music video has everyone in an uproar both fans and haters. What’s your opinion about the video? Watch it below!