Geddy Lee Joins Claypool Lennon Delirium For The Beatles Classic “Tomorrow Never Knows”


The Claypool Lennon Delirium kicked off their tour this week at Danforth Music Hall in Toronto, Ontario. They welcomed Rush bassist Geddy Lee to the stage to play along with the band.

Someone got footage of the jam. Check it out below.

Les Claypool shared a heartfelt note on his social channels about how this moment was a bit of a “pinnacle moment” for him. In all of the years that Primus honored Rush, like teasing “YYZ” on their recordings and playing Rush songs live, it’s incredible to see that L

Last night was a pinnacle moment for this Ol’ Colonel’s career. My dear friend and childhood superhero #GeddyLee decided to join The Delirium onstage in Toronto for our rendition of Sean’s Dad’s, “Tomorrow Never Knows”.

As Geddy slinked out of the shadows with my Pachyderm bass in his mighty grips, the crowd slowly swelled to a frenzy of recognition. The energy and excitement was so palatable that it brought a joyful tear to my eye. Like Joe DiMaggio stepping back up to the plate, Geddy proceeded to show us all why he is one of the greatest to ever wield a four string piece of furniture. It was pure magic and I imagine I’ll feel the tingle on the back of my neck for some time.

Alas, our recording equipment went on the fritz so it will only live in our minds…and on the handful of cellphones that were fortunate enough to capture the glory. Good times.

– Les Claypool