NYTimes Releases Report Claiming Ryan Adams Sexually Harassed Younger Female Artists


The New York Times has published the bombshell report detailing a history of sex-related abuse allegations against Ryan Adams. And it’s frightening to ready that some of these reviews involve underage girls, plus honestly reading the document is a bit hard to stomach.

Some right now say that Adams’s rock-star patronage masked a more dark reality. In interviews, 7 women and more than a dozen affiliates described a pattern associated with manipulative behavior in which Adams dangled career opportunities whilst simultaneously pursuing female performers for sex. In some cases, someone said, he would turn domineering plus vengeful, jerking away their offers of support whenever spurned, and subjecting ladies to emotional and spoken abuse, and harassment through texts and social media. The particular accounts have been corroborated simply by family members or friends who have been present at the time, as well as simply by correspondence from Adams examined by The New York Times.

There is also a lot more detail surrounding his prior relationship with singer Mandy Moore.

Only recently did the ladies discover that their experiences overlapped. And in the last few months, Moore and several others who stated they were scarred by their interactions with Adams have found each other, creating a support system.

Dang. Serious stuff.

Thomas Adams took to Twitter instantly to issue a series of twitter posts that have since been removed (via Spin ):

Adams is scheduled to show up in a European tour to back up his new set of produces due out this year, plus lately put out a new track along with John Mayer and teased a new monitor with Greg Weir .

Thomas Adams Dangled Success. Ladies Say They Paid a cost. [New York Times]