Underdog Artist Young Blazer Will Sweep Audiences Off Their Feet

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Haters and criticisms can genuinely bring any artist down. But once they get past that point, such talented individuals rise from the negativity to reveal a stronger version of themselves, ready to take on the world with their capabilities. Music artist Young Blazer was the diamond in the rough. He had to face many challenges, but he proves that he braved a journey worth taking.

Young Blazer, also known as Blazer, hails from Worcester, Massachusetts, a small town where becoming an artist is a rare profession. Aside from being a rapper, Blazer also possesses an entrepreneurial spirit. His brand is partnered with another unique label called #ADE, which means After Death Entertainment. The label is Blazer’s avenue for expressing himself fully as an artist without restricting his abilities and talents to succeed in the music industry.

Young Blazer’s independently produced album entitled Hated by All made his mark in the industry. It truly captured his personality and revealed his voice, story, and narrative to the listeners. On the other hand, Blazer is on a mission to bring other aspiring artists in his city into the spotlight through his series of collaboration EPs.

The artist’s solo EP called What They Want fulfills what the audiences are hungry for nowadays: melodic trap music. Young Blazer knows how to position his music to tick all the listeners’ boxes and satisfy what they want to hear. Blazer is currently working on his new masterpiece called No Regrets. The album is set to be released soon across all major streaming platforms. 

Young Blazer had formerly experienced a hurdle with plagiarism. While working with upcoming artists from his town, Blazer encountered a problem with the American rapper Joyner Lucas. “Two of my former artists did a remix to Lil Pump’s Gucci Gang but with a catch. They used a remake instrumental and not the original,” Blazer said. The artists essentially made something unique from the original composition and had the potential to make waves in the business. 

However, Young Blazer was caught in a situation where the works of his two artists were produced and launched identically by Joyner Lucas. As Blazer shared, it wasn’t a pleasant experience because Joyner was very prominent. In turn, the people’s anger and hate got directed at him for calling the wrong out. Nevertheless, Blazer is still determined to build his name in the industry despite the hatred. Blazer considers himself his city’s most controversial artist, and he is banking on the criticism to make himself better.

“I know what it’s like to have nothing and I know what it’s like to be hated and doubted beyond anybody’s belief,” Young Blazer shared. “My grind and determination is stronger than most because this is something I have been doing for years and I know I’m good at it and will not give up no matter what,” Blazer added. 

Young Blazer has indeed seen dark days in his career. One time, he was also manipulated by a trusted friend. “When I finally realized what was going on, I got fed up and said to myself I was never about to listen to anybody about my music ever again. I will do it my way or no way at all,” Blazer said. When he did find the courage, the artist discovered that his way was better and more efficient. 

Asked what he wants to say to upcoming artists and the underdogs in the industry, Young Blazer said that as corny as it may sound, they should follow their dreams. “I used to laugh at people when they told me to follow my dreams but then I actually took the words literally and made everything I wanted to happen,” added the artist.

Stay connected with Young Blazer and learn more about him as a rapper and entrepreneur through his website.