Benevento / Russo Duo Releases LP’s on Vinyl for Bandcamp Friday, Pre-Order Now!


Yesterday we got a little hint on this and my friend was correct on what we saw revealed from the team at The Royal Potato Family this morning.

The Benevento / Russo Pair was melded into Joe Russo’s Almost Dead’s broader spirited Grateful Dead project, so their initial project was largely quiet as late. But with the epidemic of the coronavirus COVID-19 causing us all to sit home for a little while, it looks like they dove through the files and wanted to eventually get around to publishing their two major albums on vinyl for the first time. They also placed Play Pause Stop back on streaming channels, and even introduce five live tracks to the mix.

It’s Bandcamp Friday! The online music shop generously waives all of its revenue share today, while RPF pays 100% of all…

Posted by The Royal Potato Family on Friday, July 3, 2020

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